2024-25 (Optional) Library Birthday Book Bunch

Child's First & Last Name: Information
(Max 25 Characters)
Child's Grade:
Birthday Timeframe:
Please list any food allergies (if applicable):
(Max 100 Characters)
Teacher (if known):


The Birthday Book Bunch is back!

In honor of your child’s birthday, consider joining the Birthday Book Bunch by donating a book to the West Library.

For your $25 donation, your child will:

  • choose a new book for the West Library
  • have a special nameplate in the book
  • be the first to check out that book
  • receive a treat at the Birthday Book Bunch Party

Two Birthday Book Bunch Parties will be held for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • July-December birthdays will be invited to the Fall party. (Kindly make your donation by 11/8 to be included in this party. If your student has a July-Dec birthday and your donation is received after 11/8, they will be included in the Spring party.)
  • January-June birthdays will be invited to the Spring party. (Kindly make your donation by 3/14 to be included in this party.)

Thank you for supporting our wonderful West Library!

(Note: Please add each child to your cart one-by-one.)

Subtotal: $0.00